Hi Doc!
Why are you a Mama Allpa Doctor?
because i like everything that has to do with child birth and its nice to help women in sl to have babies who cant have babies in rl
What is your favorite thing to do in SL aside from Mama Allpa?
i like making and selling the clothes i make at a cheap price as it should not cost alot to look good in sl
Are you having own kids in SL? If so, tell us a bit about them?
i have twins bailey and lilly i love spending my time with them they are so bubbly and cute they make my sl
What is a goal that you wish to achieve still in SL?
to help any one who needs help we were all new once
What would you like to tell our readers as message?
i am here for any one be it being pregnant or new to sl and wants some help
Thank you Doc! :)
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